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Good News Friday
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Does the news have you depressed?  How many do you know actually shut it off or quit listening to it altogether? Well, no need to do that with Walluilders Live.  Most Fridays they have segment based on the Good in America.
I personally have listened to Good News for years.  It will help you be optimistic about America!
Check out the archives page and listen!

In Loving Memory

For years, my Mom and I would listen to Good News Friday!  Upon her passing, I did a special tribute to her.  Thankful Wallbuilders did the special tribute below.
Partial Transcript from Wallbuilders LIVE Episode on May 1st, 2020:


Alright, Rick. I’m going to start with a really cool email we got from a lady who she and her mom used to listen to the program together and her mom just recently passed away. And in her mom’s honor, she made a donation to WallBuilders. Because her mom loved WallBuilders, she said that her mom used to get them Christmas presents off the WallBuilders website. She said her dad was National Guard, both her brothers are army, mom supports the troops relentlessly. So, we just obviously, trying to be sensitive, because losing a parent, losing any member of the family is a tough thing. But man, we want to honor your mom too, because what a cool thing, that part of how you all are celebrating the life that she lived was that she loved WallBuilders Live, she loved WallBuilders. And so, making a donation in her honor, is just so cool.


That’s awesome.


So Marsha, if you’re listening, man, so happy for you and your family that WallBuilders has been a blessing to you guys and praying that the Holy Spirit continues to bring you comfort as you’re navigating now a new season, trusting that your mom is in a much better place, a place that we were all, especially in the midst of this COVID, we’re just ready to be done with this. Heaven would be the most great upgrade ever. But certainly, believing your mom is in a much better place. And anyway, just so cool that somebody in a way to honor their mom would want to make a donation to WallBuilders Live because it bless them and they want to help us be able to bless others. So just a cool thing for Marsha.




That’s a cool story. And Marsha, thank you very much for listening and thanks to your mom for raising you in that way and for having that family time. You know, guys, I hear that more often than you would think. And you’ll probably do as well, from people talking about how they listen to the show with their family. So, it’s not just driving along in the car. I mean, I meet teenagers and 20 somethings that say the same thing. Hey, man, I was raised on your radio program. We literally would sit around as a family, listening to it. So that’s a pretty cool measurement, I think of how, you know, God is blessing us to get to be a part of those people’s lives and we’re just thankful to be a part of it. That’s so cool.




Yeah, it is really cool. And boy, it’s great to be a blessing to families and others and, Rick, as you said, for folks to be raised on this stuff, that’s really good. 

Actual episode:

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